Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A reminder....

I know that you are all up to your ears with thing to do, but I just wanted to put a bug in your ear that there are still openings for any friends that you think might be interested in signing up.

The deadline is fast approaching.

Christmas Day is the last day to sign up.

If you think of anyone else, just send them the following link for instructions

Link to the instructions and info

I can't wait to match up everyone and see the goodies that we have all made from the books that we are exchanging.  And don't be shy... I'd love to see some of us post some pictures of some of our projects from books that we are exchanging here on the blog or over in the Flickr group.

I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying getting to know all of you gals.

So thank you Imene, Mary, Tracee, Annie, Stephinie, Breanna, Heather, Camille, Heather, Lily, Adrie, Martha, Vanessa, Lindsey, Valarie,and Laura.for joining.

Hugs to you all.